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Welcome to my Recycle Monster  Products  blog, I have been toying with this idea for quite sometime now.
It all started with the creation of what now has become my logo for many places, including “YouTube” and the desire to earn money from home.

I will not go into the difficulties of home based work, I have other Blogs for that, I had wondered just what everyday things could be recycled and turned into useable items.
Here are some of the things I thought of, turning table mats into mousemats or printing out photo's and applying them to the table mats, Making tablet boxes forn milk bottel tops

Any other ideas -Suggestions will be gratefully accepted

Thursday, 25 June 2015

The Upcycle Recycle Trend

When I first started my blog about recycling, I though recycling included making anything discarded and turning into a new item
Well, it seems I was wrong and I admit it! 

Upcycling is transforming an old disused item into a new and usable and even saleable item
While there may be those who upcycle just for the pleasure of knowing they are doing their bit to help save the environment, there will be others who sell the finished item as well as gaining the same pleasure

Only recently I saw a photograph of an upcycled item made from disused wooden pallets, which had been turned into a plant holding troughs that could be fattened to a garden fence
Someone else displayed a garden chair made from wooden pallets, with instructions on how to make your own

Although I don’t know whether either item were on sale, or if the instructions were to be free or whether there was a fee to pay

One novel idea I came across, made full use of upcycling, by using empty drinks cans and drilling and placing them together to make solar panels, the finished items became a green product for sale
Because of the amount of time involved in refining and producing finished ready to use solar panels

Someone I meet through eBay, produced mood drums from empty calor gas drums, but decided to produce further drums without the use of those drums as they were too heavy

Sometime laterwhile visiting Moseley village they had a farmer's market and arts and crafts stalls too

With one where they had somehow flattened glass bottles, still with the label on and some had been converted into clocks

These are just a few items that used the upcycle method, if you know of any others please leave details in the comment box to help would-be enterprising up-cyclers 

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