Sticky post

Welcome to my Recycle Monster  Products  blog, I have been toying with this idea for quite sometime now.
It all started with the creation of what now has become my logo for many places, including “YouTube” and the desire to earn money from home.

I will not go into the difficulties of home based work, I have other Blogs for that, I had wondered just what everyday things could be recycled and turned into useable items.
Here are some of the things I thought of, turning table mats into mousemats or printing out photo's and applying them to the table mats, Making tablet boxes forn milk bottel tops

Any other ideas -Suggestions will be gratefully accepted

Sunday, 9 February 2014

Gardening Recycling

If you are into gardening, the size of the garden does not matter you will need to make the soil fertile
Soil is a combination of substances, but over time it loses the quality and consistency and it can always improved
Improvement can be done by adding fertilizer and peat, which is fine but this can become expensive
This is where composting comes into play, by using a special container bin, and adding dead plants and other green stuff

Such as grass cuttings - dead leaves - cuttings, but there are also other things that can be added to increase the richness of the finished compost
Old newspaper and old letters all of which should be shredded, so the composting process will be increased
Also a compost maker powder will also help speed the process

Adding water can help keep the compost moist, there are some that use fizzy drinks that have gone flat
Be sure from time to time you empty the compost bin out from the bottom and bag it up into strong black plastic bags although the colour matters less than the strength

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